4 Powerful Qualities to Look for in a Business Coach for Your Practice
Helping people and running a business can often feel like a tricky balancing act. You want to help others, which is an amazing quality to have. However, you also need to be a savvy business owner so your practice is successful and continues making an impact.
Balancing these two sides of running your practice – serving patients and making wise business choices – can be complicated. Whether you’re just starting out or are a well-seasoned clinician, you’re sure to face situations that leave you stuck, uncertain, or fearful that you’ll make the wrong decision.
Somewhere along the way, you’ve heard about the benefits of having a coach or mentor and how it can help you get to the next level.
But you don’t want just any coach – you want a top-notch guide who has already been where you are and sees the not-so-obvious pitfalls ahead. And with all the options out there, how do you even begin to filter through them and find someone who will actually follow-through on their promises and move you forward?
To help you find the right person, here are four stand-out qualities that top-notch coaches have.
They Recognize Your Uniqueness
There’s nothing worse than working with a coach who tries to force you into their box or program. You’re a distinct individual, complete with your own motivations, goals, and dreams. You have a unique perspective and approach inside your practice and you want someone who recognizes that.
A quality coach will not only respect you as a one-of-a-kind-practitioner, but they will see your uniqueness as a strength. They understand that when you’re truly yourself, then you’re able to put your best foot forward and perform at your best.
A coach will take the time to understand:
- Your practice style
- Your personality
They’ll help you identify what makes you “you” and incorporate that into your practice as a key differentiator.
They Help You Define Your Success
Success is defined as a “favorable or desired outcome,”1 or “to attain a desired object or end.”2
But here’s the catch – your unique desires are likely very different from the practitioner’s down the block. And what you define as success right now may change as you go through different stages of your life and practice.
When you think of having success, what comes to mind? Is it:
- Going to a restaurant and not having to look at the price when you order?
- Being able to travel the world at a moment’s notice?
- Attending every game, recital, or play that your child is in?
The reality is, people chase success, but few know what success actually is. That means, you could very well have success and not even recognize it. Or you could be going after someone else’s definition of success, and not your own.
A coach will sit with you and help you uncover your definition of success – without judgment or criticism. They’ll look at all your goals and help guide you into thinking more specifically about them. They’ll encourage you to dig deeper and will poke and prod to help you uncover your true definition of success.
They Uncover Damaging Mindsets and Encourage You
There are moments in your life when something happens. Maybe you struggled in school as a child and never felt smart enough. Or perhaps you decided to wing something and it bombed, so now you feel like you have to know everything before you move forward with anything.
So, you create a story about the why and what, and you start living your life as though that story were true.
And while you may think this story will help keep you safe, the truth is that these stories often hold you back and keep you from getting the results you want.
If you’ve ever thought:
- I’m not good enough…
- I don’t know enough…
- I could do that, but…
You’ve had some type of limiting belief in place.
When left unaddressed and unresolved, your limiting beliefs will prevent you from moving forward and can rob you of happiness, fulfillment, and success.
Limiting beliefs keep you pinned under that glass ceiling or in that tiny fishbowl you didn’t even know you put yourself in.
A coach knows how to identify these limiting beliefs in you even when you can’t see them yourself. They then help you reframe your mindset and break through the stories that are holding you back. When this happens, it’s like the chains are broken and you can finally run forward freely, without any restrictions.
They Help You Get Unstuck
When growing a practice and serving patients, you’ll inevitably run into unexpected obstacles. Whether it’s a business challenge, an unfamiliar condition, or a change in your life situation that impacts your practice – you may find yourself not knowing what to do.
A high caliber coach recognizes that your life and business ebb and flow. Unpredicted things happen that can leave you perplexed or stuck.
A skilled coach has a history of experiencing the unexpected and has not only made it through them – but is now thriving. So, when life happens to you, a coach will know the right questions to ask to help you navigate through your tough spots and come out with a solid plan.
Coaches Make a Difference for Your Practice
A quality coach should leave you feeling inspired and like you can take on the world.
When you find that person who speaks your language and gets you, they will know how to help you unravel your limiting beliefs or excuses. They’ll help you keep your head on straight so you can play your best game, get the results you want, and impact more people.
Quality coaches have helped me tremendously in my own practice. That’s why I’m so passionate about quality coaching and mentorship, especially when it comes to giving back and coaching other practitioners.
If you’re looking for an alternative healthcare coach who’s been where you are, I’d love to talk with you. Please feel free to check out Clinical Business Academy or set up a time to chat. I’ve helped hundreds of practitioners up their game and create a practice that’s unique to them, their goals, and their patients. I’d love the opportunity to help you, too!
1. (n.d.). Success | Definition of Success by Merriam-Webster. Retrieved October 12, 2020, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/success
2. (n.d.). Succeed | Definition of Succeed by Merriam-Webster. Retrieved October 12, 2020, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/succeed