
217: How Do People Describe What You Do?

Finding your niche isn’t just about picking a specialty—it’s about claiming your space in the world and saying, “This is what I’m known for!” 🙋

Fast forward to a year from now – how do you want people to talk about you at dinner parties, in boardrooms, or over cocktails? Are you the Hormone Hero, the Digestive Detective, or the Fatigue Fighter who makes coffee obsolete?

The clearer you are about what you do, the easier it is for people to sing your praises and send referrals flying your way like confetti. 🎉

But you know what the best part is? You don’t have to choose between what you’re good at and what you love.

I recently chatted with a practitioner who has a solid corner on all things men’s health but can’t stop dreaming about working with women’s hormones. Well, guess what? 💭 You don’t have to pick just one – why not master both? It’s all about crafting a strategy where you get to be the multi-talented genius you are, shining in every corner of the health universe! 🌟

So, my friend, here’s your golden nugget: when you truly own what you want to be known for, everything else just clicks into place. Start by asking yourself, “What’s that one problem I can solve better than anyone else?” Then shout it from the rooftops – on social media, in emails, with anyone who will listen. Because when you’re crystal clear on your brilliance, the world has to take notice! 💥

Your path to success starts with clarity. Know exactly who you’re speaking to and what problem you’re solving—that’s your foundation. Don’t let doubt slow you down. Own your passion, own your niche, and watch your business thrive like never before! 🌟


In this episode you’ll hear:

👉 How to master marketing to attract more clients and leads.

👉 The importance of streamlined systems to boost efficiency and productivity.

👉 Effective strategies for charging correctly and transitioning to a time-based care model.

👉 The key to defining your niche and building a brand that people remember.



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Ronda Nelson Smiling

Hi, I’m Ronda Nelson and I help wellness practitioners grow thriving, profitable practices that allow them to work with ease, live a life they love and make an income they can be proud of.

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