
006: Feeling Confident on Video with Chrissy Ball





Ronda Nelson: Well, hello, everyone. Welcome to another episode of The Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast. I’m your host, Ronda Nelson. I am so glad that you’re here with me today. We are actually recording this podcast episode which will be available on our YouTube channel, Dr. Ronda Nelson. But let’s get started by chatting about our amazing guest –  Chrissy Weathersby Ball. She is a dear friend that I actually met at a conference and we just clicked. After ending up sitting at the same table together, we ended up becoming fast friends. And come to find out, she is a master at all things camera and video – I’ll let her tell you a little bit more about her background and why she’s so qualified to talk about being on camera.


One thing that is absolutely essential for healthcare practitioners, or any public-facing business for that matter, is the ability to genuinely connect with your audience. And one of the best ways to do that is by using video.




Ronda Nelson: So, Chrissy, welcome. I am so glad that you are here.


Chrissy Ball: Hi. Thank you for having me.


Ronda Nelson: You’re so welcome. So, Chrissy and I can see each other right now so we are going to do our best to translate for those of you that are listening to make sure that we’re using lots of descriptive terms so that you don’t miss out on anything that we’re doing visually. But, Chrissy, welcome. Thank you so much for joining me. Let’s start by having you tell us a little bit about you.


Chrissy Ball: Well, whenever somebody asks me that, I’m not sure where to start. You think about your life and wonder what is going to be relevant to that particular audience. I’m a wife and mom. I’ve got two little kiddos, ages four and seven. And I have actually been a stunt woman in Hollywood for almost 18 years, which is kind of like feels like my secret life. I’ve been on feature films and TV shows and have learned a lot over the last 18 years about being in front of the camera and how it translates to being in our businesses, trying to create videos for our communities. So, that is my background. That is what I do.


Ronda Nelson: I love that. When I first heard that about you, I thought that means you’re like swinging around, jumping off of buildings, and crashing cars – all the things that no one else wants to do. And you’re like, “I’ll do it.” I don’t get that. What makes you want to do that? I know this is a sidebar conversation but there might be a little bit of crazy in you. I’m not sure. Just saying.


Chrissy Ball: Yeah. I think there might be a little bit of crazy in me, for sure. But that crazy has tampered down a little bit now that I’m a mom. Before, when I jumped off a building, I was definitely scared and super nervous. I don’t know who really wouldn’t be but, yeah, I would never do that now. It seems like it was a little bit of a foreign life. I do slide cars once in a while though!


Ronda Nelson: Oh my gosh – your previous life is something we can barely imagine. For most of us listening, we’re dealing with headaches and hangnails and blood sugar disorders, while you’re over here jumping off buildings and sliding cars. But I digress… So, to bring this back full center, what I wanted to talk about is about how we can have more confidence on camera. Unless you’re Chrissy, being on camera doesn’t come naturally and it probably didn’t come naturally to Chrissy at the beginning either. She’s nodding her head in agreement. And we don’t know what we don’t know about being on camera. There’s always a learning curve – when we go to school, there’s a learning curve. When you learn how to cook, there’s a learning curve. When you get married, there’s a learning curve. Everything has a learning curve. But when it comes to video and being on camera, I think we make the learning curve harder than it has to be.


Chrissy has been instrumental in helping me feel more confident when I am creating video and those of you listening who are on my regular mailing list, you know that I am on video all the time. If you aren’t on my list, I’ll be sure and include a link in the show notes. I honestly thought I was doing a pretty good job until I met this girl. And then she said, “Girlfriend, you need to up your game,” and her recommendations have made a huge difference in how I show up on camera. So, Chrissy, let’s start with the basics. What would you tell someone who’s not really comfortable doing videos? What would be the first few steps that you would tell them or tips you would give them about how to feel confident in front of a camera? Walk us through that whole process.


Chrissy Ball: Well, we need to go back just a little bit with what you said because I think when you just started talking about your own hesitations about being on camera, there’s a lot to unpack in there.


Ronda Nelson: Yes there is.


Chrissy Ball: When we look at somebody that’s on a TV show or on film, you think they are just born that way. At least that’s what I used to think or at least, that I had to go to film school or that I needed an extensive background to learn how to show up well and look good on camera. Did you feel that way? Or do you feel that way or that you had to have like some huge extensive training to look good on camera?


Ronda Nelson: I think it’s just intimidating. The lighting is intimidating to me – or at least it was. But I’m getting better about that. The lighting can be intimidating and as a female, I’m always worried about what my clothes look like. I think “Does this make me look fat?” That’s just what we do as women… and you men are thinking, “Oh, geez, here’s that question again!” But it’s so true for women. We worry about how we will look on camera – our face, flabby arms, hair, makeup, clothes, etc. And the truth is that I’m worried about all of the outward things. I’m really just thinking about me. I’m worried about how I will look and what my background is going to look like. I don’t want to have a leaf sticking out the top of my head because of the way I’ve positioned myself in front of a tree. If you’ve got something in your background that’s distracting the viewers’ ability to connect with you, that can affect the outcome of your video. So, for me, those are all the things that I think about when I’m going to do a video.


Chrissy Ball: Which is a lot to think about!


Ronda Nelson: It’s a lot for my brain to comprehend.


Chrissy Ball: And it’s a lot for everybody. And that’s why we almost short circuit and go, “Wah, I can’t do it and I don’t want to do it because I don’t even know where to start.” And so, one of the first things that I tell anybody is that you don’t need a whole huge extensive amount of formal training to get in front of your camera and look good and connect with the person that is watching you. You don’t need it. You need to learn and kind of hone in a few different skill sets but you don’t need to have years and years and years of training or the “you’re just born with that it” factor.


There are simple things that you can do and we’re going to talk about some of those today – the tips that will help you show up differently and feel comfortable with who you are on camera.  And when you start thinking about how you look and your background and all the things, it gets overwhelming. There are aspects of each of those that are important but if we’re not careful, we can get into the weeds. So let’s sift through some of it and take them step by step.


But one of the biggest things that I like to share with my video coaching clients is that we get so focused on the external things like lighting and camera and, and, and…  that we don’t think about the reason WHY are we making this video and WHO are we talking to.


Ronda Nelson: That’s so good.


Chrissy Ball: And so, here’s a good example. Don’t say the persons name but think of an actor that you really like a lot but may not be very cute or good looking.


Ronda Nelson: Okay. I’m thinking of someone. They’ve got just so-so looks. They’re okay but they’re not, you know…rock star, mic drop gorgeous.


Chrissy Ball: Ok. So think to yourself, “Why do I like this person?” Almost always, the reason we like the person, even if they’re really not that cute, is because they are open and generous with their gift of being fully present in that moment, sharing who they are, whether it’s a character, or whether they are just being themselves, sharing a product, or whatever it is. We can feel that they are who they are, and they are fully open and present in the moment. And because they are open and authentic, there’s a connection that happens between them and the viewer which is why you like them so much. And it’s amazing when that happens. There are people that we just like and they can maybe be quirky or they might look a little strange. We don’t know why we like them so much. And usually, if we step back and we think about it, it’s because they are open and generous and they’re authentic. And that’s what resonates the most through the camera lens.


Ronda Nelson: So, then how do we create that authenticity? Because if I’m worried about what I look like or what my background looks like, I won’t be able to make that connection. But that’s the stuff that’s rolling around in my head. And I’m pretty comfortable on camera, but I would say that for many practitioners and business owners and clinicians in my community, they’re really apprehensive about getting in front of the camera for the same reasons. What if it doesn’t look good? What should I talk about? How do I say it? Will I sound weird? Will people think I’m quirky or not professional enough?  I don’t know how to help make that transition for them.


Chrissy Ball: Well, that’s a lot to unpack and we could spend a lot of time with that. But I think we could attack this in two ways. For instance, you and I had talked about your background before we started filming this podcast and the location you chose to do this podcast. So, if we are talking about how we look and how we feel, we know that when we’re in a space that reflects who we are, it makes you feel good. It makes us feel empowered. It makes us feel that we are being represented well and professionally, right?


Ronda Nelson: And confident. If you’re listening on the podcast and you’re not able to see the background we have today, I would recommend that you go watch the YouTube video because you’ll be able to see what we’re talking about. The background that I chose today is at my office in Seattle. And I was thinking about recording it in a different location but it just didn’t feel right.  At the time of this recording, it’s summertime and we’re enjoying the mild Seattle weather while living on our boat. I was thinking about just doing this podcast/video on the boat but I was concerned about the lighting and the background. It was definitely easier for me to stay on the boat but I knew I wouldn’t be able to be authentic and connect with what was happening in the podcast if I didn’t change my environment. And once I got here, I knew I made the right decision. It just felt a lot better – like I can relax. I think that’s the best way that I can describe it.


Ronda Nelson: You can relax because you know that you’re representing yourself and your business to the best of your ability right now and you’re offering the best that you have with your community. That’s why you can relax. And the same way, when we choose clothes that make us feel empowered and confident, that helps. And this is what I’d like to offer if you’re listening or if you’re watching: if you are choosing something to wear, ask yourself this question – what makes you feel good? What makes you feel confident? Because here’s the truth – if you can’t see me right now, I’m in a tank top. I’ve got my little yoga beads on. I teach yoga and I have a very active lifestyle. I have tennis shoes on with a skort, you guys. My sister would kill me if she knew I told you. [laughter] Because this is who I really am – I can show up and be authentic AND feel confident on the camera. This is what dress up for me, okay? But it’s who I am. I used to get really caught up with my clothes because that is something that’s challenging for me. It’s hard for me to pick shirts that look right, that fit right. And if I’m looking really good then I’ve probably gone over to my sister’s house and she’s putting outfits together for me. [laughter]


Clothing and style is not one of my strengths but that used to stop me from showing up and making videos. It used to stop me from serving and so I think that we can get caught up in trying to be something that we’re not. If you are not walking around with your doctor’s coat on all day, then don’t wear a doctor’s coat on your video.


Ronda Nelson: Yeah, preach it, sister. I agree. That’s so right.


Chrissy Ball: And if you guys all showed up with doctor’s coats, I’d be like, what’s wrong with them? You all would look the same. And so, the reason we’re attracted to certain people on video is because they come as they are. They’re unique. If you and I were wearing the same shirt right now, you guys would probably think to yourself, “they are seriously weird.”


Ronda Nelson: Right. So, the clothing then becomes part of the background, but the clothing and the background together are what allow us to be able to relax in front of the camera, and then we can turn around and make the focus on the person.


Chrissy Ball: Yes. All we have to do is come as we are because each one of us is unique. We’re not attracted to seeing cookie-cutter things even though we feel like we have to fit in a certain mold because we’re all practitioners. So, think about in your mind for a minute what you thought you should have shown up as. And when you think that you should show up on camera a certain way, I promise you, it becomes so much work that you give up and confess that you just can’t do it. So, that is my biggest tip for showing up. Like you said, you are in a comfortable environment and because you are already being authentic, you can relax, and then you can offer the information and content that you are sharing and that is where the connection happens through the lens to the person watching you.


Ronda Nelson: So, it’s the authenticity that comes through because of the confidence and the place where you’re comfortable. Honestly, had I stayed in the boat and done this interview, I would not have been comfortable because I would have been worried about people wondering where I am or why I live on a boat. Will they judge me? Will they be distracted with the background? This is what goes on in my mind. It was a harder decision as far as time and the hassle factor but I made the decision to come to the place where it felt comfortable for me.


Chrissy Ball: Yes – you are so right.


Ronda Nelson: Talk to us about being aware of what’s in your background and things that would be a distraction for the viewer. Correct me if I’m wrong, but if there’s too much chaos in the background, it becomes distracting, and takes away from the ability of the viewer to connect because they’re distracted by the clutter and the chaos. Is that right?


Chrissy Ball: That is right. And if you think about how we interpret information, if it feels confusing, then we turn it off. Because it becomes too much for our brains to process and we’re already bombarded with so much information that the brain hits the pause button. So, I always try to bring the focus back to why are you doing a video to begin with? When you think about the reason you’re showing up, then you can think about your background. Is your background supporting the information that you’re sharing? Because if you’ve got this crazy background with all of this visual noise going on, it’s not going to keep the viewer’s attention. If you’re not watching on YouTube, I’m in my studio right now and I’ve got some lights and a green screen behind me. I almost changed how I was going to show up for this interview because I think it’s slightly distracting. And your focus might want to go behind me instead of really focusing on what I’m saying.


If there’s anything distracting your viewer’s (the person watching you) attention, then they’re not really thinking about what you’re talking about and what you’re trying to share. And then they’re either going to click off or the whole message is going to be lost.


Ronda Nelson: They basically check out.


Chrissy Ball: Yeah. They can’t go on that journey with you.


Ronda Nelson: Right. And for my audience who are largely healthcare practitioners, it could be a simple thing like not showing your really messy desk as the background of the video. That may not be the message that you want to convey. Better to have a clean background, free from distraction. You could do the video in another part of your office. Maybe with an adjusting table in the background or a nice picture, or a fish tank – something that looks good. But not a window behind you that has traffic going by or something that’s chaotic. Or you’ve got kids running in and out, unless, of course, that is part of what you’re talking about. But I think the best thing would be to have a still background that looks good and won’t be a distraction so that the viewer can really focus on what you’re saying.


Chrissy Ball: Absolutely. And as a practitioner, you think about who are you talking to, right?


Ronda Nelson: Right.


Chrissy Ball: And so, when I think about coming to a practitioner, I’m coming to you for healing. But when I see all kinds of chaos behind you, the first thing I feel, not even what I see but just how I feel, is chaotic. I don’t know if I can trust you. I don’t know if I can trust that you can heal me – before you even say a word. But if your background is calm and has, just like you have in yours, a nice green tree, that is an element to me of healing and calm. It just calms me down, even with the microphone that you have showing on your screen. I see the tree and right away, I feel like, “Ah, I can feel more relaxed.” So, I can take in the information that you’re sharing with me about whatever it is to help me heal without any distractions. So, again, what is your objective? I also want to know that, if I’m coming to a healthcare practitioner, that you’re a professional.


Ronda Nelson: Right.


Chrissy Ball: If you’re a chiropractor and I come walking into your office and you’ve got papers all over the place and if your lobby or your waiting area is chaotic and crazy, then I’m going to look around and form an opinion. And if I really feel uncomfortable, I’ll check out and leave. And that’s what happens on camera.


Ronda Nelson: Yep, that’s right.


Chrissy Ball: You want to think about your video in the same way. You’re inviting them into your space. So, how do you want them to feel when they’re with you?


Ronda Nelson: That is so, so good. I am definitely going to listen to this again because it’s so good. So, we need to choose clothes that are appropriate for the profession. In other words, as a practitioner, you wouldn’t want to show up and do a video in a tank top unless you’re doing a video about exercise. For you, that’s appropriate. So, for those of you that are listening, again, Chrissy’s got a tank top on because she is a yoga instructor and a stunt woman and a camera ninja, a video ninja. And this is just who she is. And that’s part of her style, her brand. For us, I wouldn’t show up with like a tank top on – I just wouldn’t. It doesn’t exude what I represent. Just like as practitioners, you don’t want to show up for your people in some like t-shirt that just says, “I drink beer for fun,” or whatever your T-shirt says. You want to make sure you’ve got a polo shirt on or something that’s buttoned-up and looks professional because you’re going to feel more confident on camera. And that confidence is going to come across the camera.


Chrissy Ball: Absolutely.


Ronda Nelson: So, what’s the next thing we need to know about being confident on camera?


Chrissy Ball: What’s the next thing you guys need to know? Wow, that’s a big question. I don’t know. What’s the next thing that you want to know? What’s one of the biggest struggles that your audience struggles with?


Ronda Nelson: Besides worrying about clothing and my background and connecting with my audience, I have to decide what I want to talk about. Is it necessary to use a teleprompter and have everything scripted out? I just use sticky notes on my computer. Do I need a whole bunch of sticky notes already written up so I know exactly what I’m talking about? How much prep do you do before you get in front of a camera? Or do you?


Chrissy Ball: You know, that’s a great question. And I honestly think it depends on who you are, and what works best for you. You might not know what works best for you at first and you might need to try a couple of things. What’s great about having a camera on your computer is that you can put sticky notes all over your screen and nobody can see them. So, if you need to just look over to the side for a moment to look at your note and then come back to the camera again, you can do that. And that will help keep you on track for what you’re going to say. I love keeping things super simple when I am explaining something because your audience may not have any idea what you’re talking about. Especially for you guys as practitioners. It’s really easy to talk in your own clinical language and I’m thinking, “What? What are they trying to say?”


So, number one, it depends on who you’re talking to. But if you’re just talking to your average patient who has no formal training and who has absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, then it’s really great to break things down so they can understand what you’re saying. I’ve found that I still struggle with this a bit. I sometimes feel like I make it too complicated with too many ‘to-do’s and pretty soon, the person is overwhelmed. Better to keep it simple.


Ronda Nelson: I get that.


Chrissy Ball: I know it could feel the same way as a practitioner because you’re thinking, “I need to teach them about this and that and they need to know about a certain ingredient, etc…” and then it gets too complicated. But I have found, and I’m sure you can agree with me too, Ronda, is that when we break things down and make them simple, so that the person watching can digest what we’re saying, and then they can implement whatever you are offering, it resonates so much more. And then you, being in front of the camera, don’t feel like you have to push and give and force the information because that always feels so weird, doesn’t it?


Ronda Nelson: Well, and it feels inauthentic because we’re trying so hard.


Chrissy Ball: Because it is.


Ronda Nelson: And who’s to focus on then? The focus is on me because I’m trying to push my information on you rather than just having a conversation with you.




Ronda Nelson: Well, my friend, that was a little awkward! She just froze mid-sentence – I think her Wi-Fi went out. We will let that interview rest right where it landed, in the perfect spot of course but I thought I would finish out our conversation super quick. Making videos might be a little intimidating for you. If you’re one of those people that things “oh no, no, no, no… it’s not for me!”, it actually can be. I promise. You will do great on video. But here are a few tips for you.


Remember that you are only talking to one person; that’s all. It’s just you and the conversation with the person. Do you have difficulty talking to your patients? Of course not. You’re more the comfortable having a conversation with them. When you’re looking at the camera or you’re looking at your cell phone, you just imagine that there is one person, not five, not ten, not 50, not 500 – just one person. And you’re just having a conversation with them about whatever it is that you’re going to talk about. It might be about how to eat better or use healthy products on your skin or getting rid of toxic household cleaners. You might be talking about the types of exercises they need to do to relax their neck and shoulders so they don’t have as much tension. Whatever it is, remember that you’re just talking to one person.


Always make sure you’re comfortable. Comfortable in your clothing and comfortable in your surroundings. You don’t want to have clothes on that don’t fit right or your fussing with it because for us girls, that’s just what we do. But when we’re comfortable in our clothing, that makes us feel ‘aaaahhhhh’ and much more at ease.


Make sure your background looks good and you don’t have some crazy thing sticking out your ear like the leaf of a bush or some other background item. And make sure you give them plenty of value because that’s what’s most important. It’s not about you, my friend. And it’s not about me. It’s about the patient. And that’s what we have to keep in mind.


So to wrap up, I’ve got a few things to share. If you aren’t quite sure about doing videos, here’s what I want you to do: send it to me. Just send it to me! I’d love to see it. You can go on the website and send me the link to your video. I will absolutely look at it… I promise! And I’ll give you my feedback, very nicely of course, and encourage you to keep going! I would really love to see it!


And be sure to check out the show notes for a free resource from Chrissy – 5 Tips for Making Great Videos. This will help keep you on track and motivated to continue producing video for your patients.


As always, thank you so much for joining me. I’m Dr. Ronda Nelson and this is the Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast and I love having you here. Each Tuesday, we release another episode that will help you grow your business like a boss and help you reach more of your perfect patients with videos that capture their attention. This will help you grow a thriving and profitable business.


As usual, wherever you listen to this episode, be sure to subscribe so you’ll get the next episode delivered to your device. And if you love it, be sure to leave us a review which helps iTunes know that we are providing valuable content for you, just like you provide valuable content for your patients.


So again, this is Dr. Ronda Nelson, thanks for joining me. I loved having you with me today. Have a great week and I’ll be back next week with more info on the Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast. Take care!



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